
thoughts and things I've learned along the way 👋

deconstructing theory of mind in large language models
towards better mental health detection
deep learning can solve non-trivial problems in nlp
things I wish I knew about aws glue, spark & distributed systems
finding similarities between friends using shallow & deep nlp
visualizations & machine learning
millennial noir

Hi, I’m Christian

I’m a data scientist focused on applied natural language processing. My professional background covers a wide range of projects, from one-off analyses and applied research to building AI driven software.

My knowledge of AI, machine learning, and NLP lie at the convergence of my interest in neuroscience and psychology.

I’m currently working on understanding how transformers develop internal model of theories of mind. This line of research sits within mechanistic interpretability, where I’m exploring how we can open transformers to reverse-engineer how they represent and reason about mental states.

Outside of my work, I’m probably traveling, making music, playing sports, or occasionally tossing around yo-yos.